ビル・オームストン DVM, CAC, DVETHOM
(Bill Ormston)
2013年よりパートナーである獣医師でアニマルカイロプラクターのエイミー・ハヤックと共にテキサス州のミリディアンにてA.C.E.S.(Animal Chiropractic Education Source)を共同経営。
2020年に “Yes, It’s Really a Thing” をはじめ、その他多数の著書や動物カイロプラクティックの研究論文を発表。現在も多くの獣医師とカイロプラクターに動物カイロプラクティックを指導し、AVCA(アメリカ獣医カイロプラクティック協会)で数多くの公演を積極的に行っている。
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Dr. Bill Ormstonの紹介
- オフィス名
- A.C.E.S.(Animal Chiropractic Education Source)
All Creatures Every Spine - 住 所
- 10771 Highway 6, Meridian, TX 76665 604
- Contact
- drbill1960@gmail.com
学 歴
- 1982年
- アイオワ州大学 動物科学学士号
- 1988年
- アイオワ州大学 獣医師免許取得
職 歴
- 1988年~1998年
- 従来の獣医学クリニック個人経営
- 1998年~2022年
- 従来の獣医学ケアと代替医療の混合
- 2001年~2013年
- テキサス州のパーカー大学にてアニマルカイロプラクティックの卒後教育インストラクター
- 2002年~現在
- 動物カイロプラクティックケアに限定して個人経営
- 2013年~現在
- テキサス州のミリディアンにてA.C.E.S.:アニマルカイロプラクティック・エデュケーション・ソース(教育機関)をパートナーのエイミー獣医師と共同経営
著 書
Dr. Ormston’s Story
Dr. Bill Ormston, DVM —
Dr. Ormston (Dr. O to most) is the eldest son of teachers from Marshalltown, Iowa. He started out in private practice and owned one in Hays, Kansas and one in Climax Springs, MO before moving to Celina, TX. In 1998 he attended Options for Animals and earned his certificate in Animal Chiropractic.
Following his move to Texas he found himself in need of continuing education for the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association and sponsored a conference in Dallas, TX at Parker Chiropractic College. Soon after this endeavor he founded the Animal Chiropractic Program at Parker Chiropractic College with the sponsorship of the continuing education department.
In conjunction with his partner, Dr. Amy Hayek, he founded and currently teaches for Animal Chiropractic Education Source, the only online course with both AVCA approval and SCAV CE approval.
His speaking endeavors include the American Veterinary Medical Association, Equine Affair, the Hoosier Horse Fair, the Iowa Horse Fair, The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards, the Southeastern Veterinary Conference and the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association. He has published in numerous trade journals regarding animal husbandry, including the Holistic Horse, Animal Wellness, Equine Wellness, Canine Wellness and Elite Equestrian.
Dr Ormston has written over 100 articles for publication and a number of books in the areas of nutrition and chiropractic. He is also a prolific speaker, lecturing both nationally and internationally on the benefits of chiropractic.
Who is Dr. O?
I am Bill Ormston, “Dr. O.” People often ask how I ended up as an animal chiropractor.
Short story: It found me.I enjoyed it. Here I am. I am not from a chiropractic family; far from it. My parents don’t believe in chiropractic.
Yet here I am. The first pet I can remember owning was a puppy that came from a dog my parents bought me when I was about 5. Super Squirrel (SS) was crazy and ran everywhere she went.
When she was about 5, I got home from school one day to find her in the front yard dragging her back end, unable to feel her back legs. A trip to the vet, a bad diagnosis, and I was a boy with no dog. I didn’t realize it at the time, but SS would come back to visit me in the numerous paralyzed dogs that have walked out of our offices and the offices of our students and alumni.
A dog I treated named T-Boy had recurring problems with his back. A dose of steroids would help, and he would be able to play with his toy monkey for a few weeks or months until he hurt himself again. The owners asked me to refer him to a surgeon, as they felt that this would “cure” the issue. T-Boy ended up having three surgeries in a four-week period. The third surgery killed him.
About that time, a client suggested chiropractic to control the seizures that my oldest son was having. I began to research chiropractic and attended an introductory lecture by Randy Kidd, DVM, at a veterinary conference I was attending in Kansas City. This animal chiropractic seemed like maybe it might have helped T-Boy, but most of the people I talked to at that time were just using chiropractic as a tool in their toolbox and not really embracing the philosophy.
Clients loved the fact that I had added chiropractic to our toolbox. I had some good results with chiropractic care, even though I didn’t understand the philosophy and I lacked confidence. Confidence came with repetition and the adjusting of many animals. I began speaking about Animal Chiropractic at the annual AVCA conventions and it became the highlight of my year. It was in 2009 at the AVCA convention that I would meet the woman who would rock my world. Dr. Amy Hayek continues to challenge and frustrate me more than anyone I have ever met. She also allows me to reach levels that I never thought possible.
I tell people that Dr. Amy has forgotten more stuff than I will ever know. She doesn’t always like the way I translate (dummy down) her information so that I can understand it.
This allows me to own the information so that I can then explain it to other people. The clients in our practices have always responded positively when we have asked them to let us enter their animals into a study. That is how the data for the canine movement study, the canine whiplash study, and the dachshund study were gathered. We continue to utilize our client base in the advancement of animal chiropractic.
Each animal we adjust teaches us something new and exciting. I am looking forward to many more years of animal chiropractic, both adjusting and teaching others how to adjust.